Joshua Plummer Abbott of Antioch (1840-1912) was an attorney, judge, newspaper proprietor, and state senator who owned NET&S stock and a mine claim in Mineral King in 1875. Born in New Hampshire, he was raised as a farmer. In 1858, at the age of 18, however, he left to pursue advanced education and spent some time in Dartmouth College. In 1863 he went to California, where he taught school for a year. The next year, he embarked on an unidentified "speculative enterprise" in Idaho which failed when he and his partners were involved in a deadly altercation with the local tribe. He returned to California, studied law, entered the bar in 1866, and set up practice in Antioch. When the fraudulent New England Tunnel and Smelting Company recruited businessmen and prospective laborers from Antioch to fund and work in the Mineral King Mining District in 1875, he joined them and located a mine claim with a partner. His involvement lasted only one year, however, and he returned to Antioch to focus on politics and increasing his financial wealth.
Research Database
Abbott, Joshua Plummer

Personal Information
Eunice Knight Moody 1803-1877
Jabez Abbott 1800-1886
Harriett Moody Abbott 1829-1889; Ellen Knight Abbott 1832-1908; Elvira Abbott 1834-1834; Livonia Abbott 1834-1851; Charles Moody Abbott 1836-1852; Warren S. Abbott 1838-1822; Jane Abbott 1846-1924
Melvina Gile "Mellie" McMasters (1853-?)
Martin, Thomas Sherman 1854-? [add link]
[add in Antioch partners]
attorney; newspaper proprietor; journalist; editor; notary public; miner; lumber tycoon
W. W. Pendegast and Thomas J. Tucker, law firm in Napa County
Hartley and Abbott; Antioch Ledger, Antioch Land and Lumber Company; Rouse-Beede Company; New England Tunnel and Smelting Company
Masons (Antioch Lodge No. 175, F.& A.M., and Antioch chapter No. 65, R.A.M.)
Civic Engagements
justice of the peace; deputy district attorney ; state senator; deputy collector of internal revenue
notary public; delegate at Republican conventions
1870: property wealth $1000.00; personal wealth $100.00
Later, his Antioch Land and Lumber Company purportedly earned him $25,000.00 annually.
Mineral King [see related articles for broader context]; Antioch
early mining rush 1873-1878 [update link]
New England Tunnel and Smelting Company; stock corporation fraud [add link]
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