Albert Gallatin Anderson (1827-1905) was a saloon keeper, county clerk, and active Mineral King miner.
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Research Database
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
[augment] saloon keeper
[example] Masons (Antioch Lodge No. 175, F.& A.M., and Antioch chapter No. 65, R.A.M.)
[augment] county clerk
[example] [1870]: property wealth $1000.00; personal wealth $1500.00
[example]Mineral King [see related articles for broader context]; Antioch
[example]early mining rush 1873-1878 [update link]
[example] New England Tunnel and Smelting Company; stock corporation fraud [add link]
[coming soon]