[a summary of the person's life]
Purportedly co-founder of the dental college of University of California and sponsor of the state's first medical law and the second surgeon licensed to practice under it
Research Database
last, first middle ####-####
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last, first middle ####-####
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dentist; miner
[example] Masons (Antioch Lodge No. 175, F.& A.M., and Antioch chapter No. 65, R.A.M.)
[example] justice of the peace; deputy district attorney ; state senator; deputy collector of internal revenue
[example] 1870: property wealth $1000.00; personal wealth $100.00
Later, his Antioch Land and Lumber Company purportedly earned him $25,000.00 annually.
[example]Mineral King [see related articles for broader context]; Antioch
[example]early mining rush 1873-1878 [update link]
[example] New England Tunnel and Smelting Company; stock corporation fraud [add link]
[coming soon]