[a summary of the person's life]
It is possible he is the Charles H. Baker employed by Reynolds, Rix & Co, promoter and seller of the Ingersoll Rock Drill.
Research Database
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
[example] attorney; newspaper proprietor; journalist; editor; notary public; miner; lumber tycoon
[example] Masons (Antioch Lodge No. 175, F.& A.M., and Antioch chapter No. 65, R.A.M.)
[example] justice of the peace; deputy district attorney ; state senator; deputy collector of internal revenue
[example] 1870: property wealth $1000.00; personal wealth $100.00
Later, his Antioch Land and Lumber Company purportedly earned him $25,000.00 annually.
[example]Mineral King [see related articles for broader context]; Antioch
[example]early mining rush 1873-1878 [update link]
[example] New England Tunnel and Smelting Company; stock corporation fraud [add link]
[coming soon]