Robert Louis Barton (1849-1927) was a farm laborer who tried mining in Mineral King in 1879. NOTE: The miner in the record is listed as Robert Barton. There was a Robert M. Barton in the area at the time, who filed for a divorce twice in Tulare County in the late 1870s; however, it is more likely that Robert Louis was the miner due to the connection with Elilott, San Joaquin County and Lemoore, Tulare County he shared with the others listed on the mine claim notices. [a summary of the person's life]
Research Database
Barton, Robert Louis

Personal Information
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
last, first middle ####-####
farm laborer; miner
[example] Masons (Antioch Lodge No. 175, F.& A.M., and Antioch chapter No. 65, R.A.M.)
Civic Engagements
[example] justice of the peace; deputy district attorney ; state senator; deputy collector of internal revenue
[example] 1870: property wealth $1000.00; personal wealth $100.00
Later, his Antioch Land and Lumber Company purportedly earned him $25,000.00 annually.
[example]Mineral King [see related articles for broader context]; Antioch
[example]early mining rush 1873-1878 [update link]
[example] New England Tunnel and Smelting Company; stock corporation fraud [add link]
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