Research Database
This tab provides access to detailed information about individuals who have been substantively associated with Sequoia National Park and the vicinity, including women, children, and ethnic minorities. Only those records to which you have access are listed. If you have reason to access restricted content, you may request an account.
A note about class categories: Class categories are derived from Richard Hogan's influential work Class and Community in Frontier Colorado (1990). Hogan categorized classes as laboring and non-laboring. Laboring classes comprise people who physically labor in production, including workers laboring for a wage and artisans appropriating natural resources and claiming full value on the product and rights to surplus value on their invested labor. Accordingly, non-corporate agriculturalists, including those with employees, are artisans. Non-laboring classes include merchants, professionals, business owners, and financiers (Hogan 1990: 12-4, 207-8). The distinction is particularly useful in analyzing the area's transition to an industrial mode of production, its role in that transition, the impact of it on society, and the way in which gropus and individuals negotiated issues of power, class, racism, women's enfranchisement, and socioeconomic inequity.
A note about gender: While sex represents a person's biological characteristics at birth (which are usually but not necessarily binary), gender represents how a person self-identifies and presents oneself to the world. As such, gender is more interesting from a historical perspective in that it influences a person's role in society and how that person navigates society norms. In some cases, it can be difficult to derive both sex and gender from the historical records, however.